Proctored Exams

Why Online Exams Are Increasingly Being Proctored Live

Why Online Exams Are Increasingly Being Proctored Live

Students doing an online exam under the supervision of a qualified supervisor who is seeing them in real time.

The claim that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed schooling is a major understatement. Many educational institutions have been forced to switch to either a hybrid or totally online learning paradigm. Still up for debate, though, is the best way to evaluate pupils’ learning. Due to the numerous advantages of online testing, such as easy candidate results management, easy marking, and security of exam questions and content, taking exams on a computer, tablet, or other comparable electronic devices has already begun to become the norm, albeit slowly. On the other hand, the practice of offering online proctoring was less common, maybe because of worries about maintaining academic integrity when administering tests.

The pandemic has changed the nature of remote proctoring exams online from a “nice to have” to a “must have,” allowing safe, proctored exams to be administered without requiring students to congregate in large groups at testing centers or university halls. For educational institutions and professional groups to continue offering examination programs for learning assessment and access to important data, online live proctoring is now a must.

It seems that educational institutions anticipate live online testing to continue becoming the new standard. The ease of use and flexibility of this system will likely discourage people from taking tests in person. Instead, a hybrid strategy that combines online proctoring with in-person scheduling is more likely. There are many advantages to remote proctoring exams online for both the candidate and the examining body. In the future, any assessment program should have the ability to seamlessly transition to online live proctoring delivery as needed.

What Kinds of Online Proctored Exams Are There?

Online proctored tests come in a variety of forms. Each has unique benefits and drawbacks, so you must comprehend the various strategies in order to select the model that best fits the needs of your exam.

Proctoring Live Online

When a student takes a live proctored exam, the proctor keeps an eye on them the entire time. Proctors will use a combination of audio, video, and screenshare connections to monitor the applicant in the testing setting, depending on the software solution you choose. Students’ faces, desks, and actions are visible to them on the screen while they take the exam in real time. Access to a fast enough internet connection is required for this.

With this testing method, the human aspect is still there because students are observed throughout exams by a certified individual. However, because the exam is remote, both the proctor and the students can take it from any location. Exam proctoring is no longer necessary at certain testing locations.

With these services, the level of observation can be extremely close because there is typically a much lower candidate to proctor ratio than in a testing facility. The cost of longer tests may go up, but you have to account for the money saved by not needing to offer testing facilities and in-person invigilators for every exam.

Take Notes and Examine Proctoring

In the record and review exam proctor scenario, the exam is taken while the student’s screen is recorded. Proctors can access and examine this recorded video data on a dashboard at a later time. For any data kept on this system, security is always of utmost importance. Next, these proctors can search for any red flags that might indicate a student cheated on the test.

One benefit of using record and review proctoring is that proctoring exams doesn’t require a predetermined timetable. However, accessing and watching student test-taking footage later still requires a proctor. Even yet, there’s a chance the instructor missed something even if they were to see the entire recordings sped up on a dashboard.

One crucial aspect of record and review services is that in the event that a candidate violates the exam guidelines, there is no immediate way to intervene. The exam content, for instance, will not be detected if they take pictures of it and share them with others until it is too late. Exam content is kept confidential using live proctoring; if a candidate violates any exam regulations, an infraction may be reported or the exam may be closed if the offending behavior persists.

Proctoring by Automate

There’s a lot of discussion about integrating artificial intelligence into the online live proctoring process since it seems like a really valuable use for AI. Computers could so, for instance, study videos, highlight specific elements, and really understand what constitutes dishonest behavior. On the other hand, we must exercise caution regarding artificial intelligence’s immediate effects. While it aids in human decision-making, artificial intelligence in remote proctoring is still very much a “work in progress.” We’re a long way from having a computer track a candidate and recognize dishonest behaviors in real life. Any data must still be verified by proctors or instructors.

On online proctored exams, are students unable to cheat?

With the appropriate monitoring system, online proctoring can significantly increase the difficulty of cheating compared to in-person testing.

First off, there are far less candidates to proctors when using a remote proctoring system or setup, which means that they are being watched much more carefully for any suspicious activity in the room. It is possible for a proctor to oversee up to six test takers concurrently. In contrast, an on-site proctor may be attempting to keep an eye on hundreds of applicants in a testing facility.

The test taker cannot see the live proctor, but the proctor can clearly see the candidate while using remote proctoring, which is another intriguing aspect of the process. In an examination facility, an applicant has the ability to observe the proctor’s location in a room and, should they turn away during a test, may check a concealed note, for example. In the virtual context, the applicant is clueless as to whether or not there would be an opportunity to “safely” verify something.

It is also important to keep in mind that the session is recorded even in cases of live proctoring. The tape can be seen later by the examining body if any test takers contest an infringement pointed out by a live proctor during the exam session.

Exam integrity is maintained at a very high level and results are easy to verify using a live remote proctoring approach and low candidate to proctor ratio.

Exam integrity may be compromised by leaked materials, which can be found and removed with the help of instructors and live proctors.

To arrange a demo and learn more about how to guarantee the integrity of online exams or enhance online learning with a superior solution, get in touch with us right now.

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