Proctored Exams

Comprehensive Guide to the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Fellow Exam


The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) is a prominent organization that sets the standard for excellence in healthcare leadership. Becoming a Fellow of ACHE is a prestigious accomplishment that signifies a high level of expertise and dedication to the field. This guide provides a detailed overview of the ACHE Fellow exam, including preparation strategies, study materials, and tips to help you succeed.

What is the ACHE Fellow Exam?

The ACHE Fellow exam is a critical step in earning the prestigious Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) credential. This credential is recognized as a mark of excellence in healthcare management and leadership. The exam assesses a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of key areas relevant to healthcare executives.

Exam Structure

The ACHE Fellow exam consists of 230 questions, which includes 30 pilot questions that are not graded. You will have 6 hours to complete the exam, which is administered via computer. The questions cover a broad range of topics pertinent to healthcare management and leadership.

Key Areas Covered in the Exam

The exam content is divided into ten key areas, each with a specific percentage of the total exam:

  1. Healthcare (14%): This section focuses on the overall healthcare system, including its structure, operations, and trends.
  2. Management and Leadership (13%): This area evaluates your understanding of management principles and leadership strategies within healthcare organizations.
  3. Finance (12%): Questions in this section cover financial management, budgeting, and financial analysis in healthcare settings.
  4. Human Resources (11%): This section assesses your knowledge of human resources management, including staffing, training, and performance evaluation.
  5. Quality and Performance Management (10%): This area examines your understanding of quality improvement processes and performance management in healthcare.
  6. Business (9%): This section deals with business practices and strategies relevant to healthcare organizations.
  7. Healthcare Technology and Information Management (9%): Questions here focus on the use of technology and information systems in healthcare management.
  8. Laws and Regulations (8%): This section evaluates your knowledge of legal and regulatory issues affecting healthcare organizations.
  9. Professionalism and Ethics (8%): This area covers ethical principles and professional conduct expected of healthcare executives.
  10. Governance and Organizational Structure (6%): Questions in this section assess your understanding of organizational governance and structure within healthcare organizations.

Effective Study Strategies

Preparing for the ACHE Fellow exam requires a strategic approach. Here are some key study strategies to help you succeed:

  1. Understand Your Learning Style

Before diving into your study materials, it’s crucial to understand your learning style. The VARK survey (Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, Kinesthetic) can help you identify whether you learn best through visual aids, listening, reading/writing, or hands-on activities. Tailor your study methods to fit your learning style for optimal results.

  1. Review the Exam Outline

Familiarize yourself with the exam outline to understand the topics and areas covered. The ACHE exam is comprehensive, so it’s important to ensure you cover each key area thoroughly. Use the percentages provided for each section to guide your study focus.

  1. Utilize Study Materials

ACHE Study Bundle

One of the most recommended resources for preparing for the ACHE Fellow exam is the ACHE Study Bundle. This bundle includes essential textbooks and flashcards that cover the main topics of the exam. Key texts include “The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization” and various flashcards. While the bundle can be expensive, it provides a comprehensive review of the material.

ACHE BOG Virtual Study Course

The ACHE BOG Virtual Study Course offers a 10-week program with live sessions and recorded content. This course is valuable for those who prefer structured, guided study. It includes PowerPoint presentations, quizzes, and recommended text references. Although some materials may be outdated, the course provides a solid foundation for exam preparation.

Department of Defense BOG Review

For military personnel and veterans, the Department of Defense offers a free 10-week BOG Review program. This program mirrors the ACHE study sessions and includes practice exams. While it lacks some text references and quizzes, it provides a valuable review resource.

Practice Exam

A practice exam is an essential tool for gauging your readiness. The practice exam consists of 230 questions and helps simulate the test-taking experience. Although the practice exam is outdated and not officially endorsed by ACHE, it remains a useful resource for understanding question formats and timing. Use it to identify areas where you need additional study.

  1. Take Effective Notes

Digital note-taking can enhance your study efficiency. Tools like REMnote allow you to create and organize notes, as well as convert them into flashcards. REMnote also supports space repetition, a technique proven to improve retention. Use this tool to break down complex topics into manageable chunks and regularly review your notes.

  1. Practice Time Management

The Pomodoro Technique is an effective method for managing study time. This technique involves studying in 25-minute intervals followed by 5-minute breaks. This approach helps maintain focus and prevents burnout. Aim for 2-2.5 hours of study each day, adjusting as needed based on your schedule and energy levels.

Developing a Study Plan

A well-structured study plan is essential for success. Here’s a suggested study timeline:

  1. Initial Phase (First 2 Months)

Focus on online sessions and introductory study materials. Use this time to get familiar with the key topics and begin taking notes.

  1. Intermediate Phase (Next 2 Months)

Deepen your understanding of each topic. Organize and format your notes, and review the key areas of the exam outline. This phase involves a more focused and detailed study.

  1. Final Phase (Last Month)

Concentrate on reviewing your notes and practicing with sample questions. This phase is crucial for consolidating your knowledge and building confidence.

Additional Tips for Success

  • Stay Consistent: Regular study sessions and consistent reviews are key to retaining information.
  • Seek Support: Join study groups or forums to discuss topics and share insights.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Ensure you get adequate rest, nutrition, and exercise to keep your mind sharp and focused.
  • Review Feedback: Use practice exams to identify areas that need improvement and adjust your study plan accordingly.


Preparing for the ACHE Fellow exam is a significant undertaking, but with the right approach and resources, you can achieve success. Understanding your learning style, utilizing recommended study materials, and following a structured study plan are essential for effective preparation. Stay consistent, seek support, and your well-being throughout your study journey. Good luck on becoming a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives!

For additional information or questions, feel free to reach out through comments or contact ACHE directly. Your dedication to becoming a Fellow is a commendable step toward advancing your career in healthcare leadership.

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