Proctored Exams

Understanding and Preventing Cheating in Online Proctored Exams

Understanding and Preventing Cheating in Online Proctored Exams

As online proctored exams become more common, students are finding ways to try and bypass the system. Here are some methods they might use and how institutions can prevent them:

  1. Using Unauthorized Devices: Students might use a second device, like a smartphone, to search for answers during the exam. To prevent this, ensure that students show their entire workspace before the exam and use monitoring software that detects multiple devices.
  2. Impersonation: A student might have someone else take the exam on their behalf. Institutions can combat this by requiring students to verify their identity with an ID on camera and using biometric tools like facial recognition.
  3. Screen Sharing: Some students might share their screen with someone else who helps them answer questions. To stop this, use proctoring software that can detect and block screen sharing during the exam.
  4. External Assistance: Students may get help from someone off-camera during the exam. Proctors should require students to show a 360-degree view of their room to ensure they are alone.
  5. Manipulating the Exam Environment: Students might attempt to alter their environment to hide cheating methods. Regularly updating and testing proctoring software can help detect and prevent these tactics.

How Institutions Can Prevent Cheating

To maintain the integrity of online exams, educational institutions should:

  • Use secure proctoring software that monitors the student’s environment and detects suspicious activities.
  • Train proctors to recognize and address signs of cheating.
  • Require students to thoroughly check their surroundings and devices before the exam begins.
  • Implement strict exam rules and clearly communicate them to students.

By understanding these cheating methods and taking preventive measures, educators can ensure that online exams are fair and that all students are assessed honestly.

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